Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Signs You Are Ready for the 2008 Season

As the dog days of summer continue to drag out, certain events are transpiring that indicate the much awaited 2008 college football season is near. As I think about the upcoming weeks before the season begins, I have come up with the top 10 signs that YOU are anxious for the start of the 2008 season.

1. You filled out a bracket and started a pool in your office for the Little League World Series. (Personally, I would rather watch Saved By the Bell reruns or angry politicians on C-SPAN, but it is refreshing to know that when this tedious tournament begins, the season is almost here.)

2. For a lack of anything better to do, you have seen the new Batman movie 11 times. Not only can you recite a majority of the lines, but your friends have noticed that you have developed a twitch of licking your bottom lip between sentences.

3. You have actually been watching the NFL preseason games just to see some football.

4. You have been wearing your West Virginia jersey any time you are going to be in public.

5. To pass the time, you volunteered to walk around your neighborhood posting, "Obama, Change We Can Believe In," signs in peoples yards.

6. Much to your spouses chagrin, you ripped the grass out of your yard and put down turf and installed a goal post.

7. You have been watching baseball.

8. You have been selling blood platelets for months trying to save up for an HDTV.

9. You changed your sons names to Lee Corso and Kirk Herbstreit.

10. You downloaded the "We're Coming, To Your City" song and put it on your iPod.

Let's Get This Season Started!

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